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Eat Wild at Polo

Dear All, First and foremost we would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused with some recent issues with the catering at matches. We have been working hard to resolve the problem and have some exciting news!We are delighted to announce that Eat Wild will be taking over the catering trailer at Cirencester Park Polo Club and will be satisfying all your field-side refuel and refreshment requirements with their sumptuous, award winning burgers and much more. No strangers to the polo fields of Cirencester, Eat Wild have popped up with their wild, fresh and locally sourced menu over the years, now we have persuaded them to come every day! With over six year's experience in hospitality as well as award winning burgers they will be offering freshly ground coffees, breakfasts, cakes, burgers and salads. There will be some old favourites and new additions with weekly specials.The Eat Wild team will be up and running from TOMORROW so make sure you arrive with an appetite and perhaps a strategically placed polo lunch break for those who work near by!  They are also offering you the chance to order your takeaway in advance by calling or texting EAT WILD 07542842917 so save the number!Food and drinks will be available an hour before all matches.
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